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von Andreas Zitek

Proper scientific literature research and the use of Endnote X2 for automated citation. Tuesday May 12th 2009 09:00 - 13:00, BOKU, Vienna, at HS VI Mendel Haus, Gregor Mendelstr. 33, 1190 Wien, for the team of the Division of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, BOKU Vienna.

Scientific writing and thinking - a crash course, within the frame of the BOKU university lecture: Holistic Sciences: Das Leben als Wissenschaft, Leben als Wissenschaftler, December 2012, BOKU-Vienna, University- and Research Center Tulln, Konrad-Lorenz-Straße 24, A-3430 Tulln.

Scientific working and the scientific method - introduction to the scientific method and working process within the Sparkling Science project "FlussAu-WOW", am 08.01.2013 im BG und BRG St. Pölten und am 10.01.2013 im BG & BRG Keimgasse, Mödling.

VIRIS Virtual Writing Club - An initative started in Feb. 2014 to improve social and scientific interaction within the transdisciplinary research group of the VIRIS Laboratory of Analytical Ecogeochemistry based on a google+ community linked to Fiduswriter as online collaboration tool for scientific writing.

Scientific working and writing - a practical course. VII units in integrative scientific writing. 2011 - 2014, Studiengang Biotechnische Verfahren Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt für Wirtschaft und Technik - Campus Tulln Konrad-Lorenz-Strasse 10 A - 3430 Tulln.

Lehrauftrag VU 110047 Scientific Working and Writing (in Eng.). 2014 bis jetzt an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Wahlfach, maximal 18 TeilnehmerInnen.

Creative Writing of Sience Publications and Research Proposals, a 2-day workshop conducted at the Egerton University, Kenia in April 2017, with 30 students within the frame of the APPEAR project "Strengthening Capacities for Agricultural Education, Research and Adoption in Kenia" (SCARA). The tools used and the experiences made were published in a conference paper "Online Teaching of Creative Writing of Scientific Publications and Project Proposals Using Google Apps" at the International Conference "New Perspectives in Science Education" in March 2018, Florence.


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